Author: Czarinna

Coronavirus is Disproportionately Killing Hispanic and Black New Yorkers

April 8, 2020 By Allie Griffin The coronavirus is disproportionately killing Hispanic and Black New Yorkers across the five boroughs, according to newly released data. Hispanic and Latino people account for 34 percent of all COVID-19 related deaths in New York City, while they make up about 29 percent of the city’s population, according to… Read more »

Corona, Borough Park and Norwood Are the Three COVID-19 Hotspots: DATA

April 7, 2020 By Allie Griffin The Corona section of Queens is one of the many hot spots across the five boroughs where the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a hold, according to the latest neighborhood data released by the Department of Health. Three main epicenters have emerged — with one in the Borough Park section… Read more »

State Increases Fine for Violating Social Distancing Order

April 6, 2020 By Allie Griffin Governor Andrew Cuomo has increased the fine for violating the statewide social distancing order after officials witnessed crowding in city parks. Cuomo is doubling the penalty in an effort to stop overcrowding that can spread the coronavirus, he announced in Albany today. People who do not keep six feet… Read more »

DOE: Remote Learning Will Continue to Take Place on Passover and Good Friday

April 6, 2020 By Michael Dorgan There will be no spring break for students and teachers at New York City schools this year and April 9 and 10 – Passover and Good Friday – will not be considered days off either, the Department of Education officially announced Friday. Spring break was originally scheduled for April… Read more »

New Map Shows Where Construction Work is Permitted

April 6, 2020 By Allie Griffin A new map released by the Department of Buildings lists the construction sites where work is permitted to continue despite the shut down. The map lists the addresses of all sites where construction work is permitted– with the work deemed either essential or needed for emergency purposes. Governor Andrew… Read more »

State Death Toll Tops 4,000, Cuomo Sees Signs Apex Has Been Reached

April 5, 2020 By Christian Murray Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sunday that the number of coronavirus deaths across the state had surpassed 4,000—just hours after New York City said more than 2,000 people had succumbed to COVID-19 in the five boroughs. Cuomo said 4,159 people had died from the virus in the Empire State, up… Read more »

TA-Affiliated Group Wants All Cars Off The Road– Unless for Essential Use

April 4, 2020 By Michael Dorgan A traffic safety advocacy group with ties to Transportation Alternatives has called on Mayor Bill de Blasio to ban all cars from being on the road unless they are for essential use during the pandemic. Families for Safe Streets Calls, an advocacy group that receives guidance and support from… Read more »

Nearly 500 Queens Residents Have Been Killed by the Coronavirus: NYC

April 3, 2020 By Allie Griffin Nearly 500 Queens residents have now been killed by the coronavirus since the pandemic took over New York City and turned the World’s Borough into the epicenter. Across the five boroughs, 1,584 people have died, as of 9:30 a.m. today. In Queens, 499 residents have died and 17,832 residents… Read more »

Free Meals Available Daily For All New Yorkers

Apr. 3, 2020, Staff Report New Yorkers across the 5 boroughs are able to get three free meals at city schools starting today. The ‘grab and go’ meals are available at more than 400 locations around New York and residents can go online and search by zip code the school locations that are offering them…. Read more »