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    Asian American Republican Club of Queens officially launches in Flushing

    Feb. 28, 2025 By Robert Pearl

    The Queens County Republican Party proudly announced the formation of the Asian American Republican Club of Queens, marking a significant milestone in mobilizing Asian American voters under the Republican banner. The launch event, held at the Four Points Sheraton in Flushing, attracted prominent elected officials, community leaders, and enthusiastic supporters eager to expand conservative principles to the Asian communities of Queens.

    Bronx man arrested for unprovoked attack on 7 train rider in Corona: NYPD

    A Bronx man was arrested Wednesday morning and booked at the 107th Precinct in Fresh Meadows for an unprovoked attack on a 7 train rider in Corona nearly two weeks earlier.

    Marlon Serrano, 51, of Wales Avenue in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx, was arraigned in Queens Criminal Court later in the day, where he was criminally charged with assault in the second degree for the beatdown that occurred on a Flushing-bound 7 train on the morning of Thursday, Feb. 13.