Tag: asian-american-and-native-american-pacific-islander-serving-institutions-week

Queens College welcome White House officials for Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions Week


Oct. 3, 2023 By Rachel Butler U.S. Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education Nasser Paydar visited Queens College last month in support of President Joseph Biden’s first-ever proclamation designating Sept. 25 through Oct. 1 as Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander–Serving Institutions (AANAPISI) Week. Queens College President Frank H. Wu met with Paydar, who holds the position of the highest-ranking federal higher education official, and others from the White House for a tour of the campus and a discussion with fellow colleagues. Federal support for AANAPISIs, affordability and student retention initiatives, maintaining multiple minority-serving institution statuses and student mental health…
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