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Assembly Member Rozic Introduces Legislation to Rename Donald Trump State Park

Assemblywoman Nily Rozic and Senator Brad Hoylman (Assemblywoman Nily Rozic’s Office)

Sept. 23, 2019 By Allie Griffin

State Assemblywoman Nily Rozic (D-Flushing) and State Senator Brad Hoylman  (D-Manhattan) have  introduced legislation to rename Donald J. Trump State Park.

The legislation would direct the commissioner of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) to rename the park, which is located in Westchester and Putnam counties and is no longer maintained. 

Donald Trump purchased the lot in the 1990s to build a $10 million private golf course, but donated the land for public use to the state in 2006 after his plans failed, according to the New York Times. Then in 2010, due to budget cuts, OPRHP closed the park and stopped maintaining it.

Signs for the park are on the Taconic State Parkway.

A sign on the Taconic State Parkway advertising Donald J. Trump State Park. (Google Maps)

Rozic introduced legislation to remove Trump’s name from the park during the previous two legislative sessions, but it didn’t make it out of the committee either time, according to NBC.

In 2017, she suggested renaming it after Heather Heyer, the woman killed while protesting the Charlottesville rally of white nationalists. 

“In an effort to best serve New Yorkers and visitors alike, we need to recognize that the current designation is not uplifting of New York values and its current state does not provide a safe, welcoming space for all,” Rozic said. 

(Assemblywoman Nily Rozic’s Office)

According to the Declaration of Policy of OPRHP, state parks should foster and strengthen “the individual’s sense of purpose, well being, and identity.”

The lawmakers argue that Donald Trump doesn’t reflect the values of the state’s individuals and thus the state park shouldn’t be named after him. 

“Having a park named after you is an honor Donald Trump doesn’t deserve,” Senator Hoylman said. “It’s time for New York to take a stand against his racism and divisiveness by renaming this state park.”

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Cheshire cat

I am really looking forward to 4 more years of Trump….because y’know Biden, Warren and Sanders…Hillary could even beat those 3 clowns…the Squad must be getting paid under the table to tank the Dems for Trump…nobody could actually be that stupid to think that a socialist platform could win a national election….Social Justice!!!(Keep America Great!)

Hows that special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton coming?

Trump’s doing great? Huh?

Wasn’t he going to failed to get Mexico to make a “one time payment” for a wall?

Didn’t he pretend he would “repeal and replace Obamacare” on day one?

Wasn’t he going to invest $550 billion in infrastructure?


Mortdecai Alinsky

Hey how about making an incentive to help your constituents with more pressing problems. Really ?? spare me.


“after his call to Ukraine” ? and what is wrong with the call, may I ask? you’re clueless empty head, repeating bs that you’re fed by the talking CNN heads and our own state senators

almost a joker

these clowns actually used taxpayer money and govt resources to indulge themselves in a childish name game? If you don’t like the name give it back to the owner…maybe try using your energies to address rising crime and homelessness…how about fixing the MTA and building back up our infrastructure…even better if you think Trump is so immoral you should run against him…i guess hacks like you two can only get elected in rigged machine elections in Queens….even AOC looks smart compared to you…i hope the socialists primary the both of you

stan chaz

There is a very good reason why we don’t have any Nixon airports, bridges, parks etc.
And the name Trump will likewise go down in infamy,
as one of the most corrrupt, lying, lawless & shameful presidencies that we have ever had.
Hey Donald, while you still have the chance, you should escape to your best bro Putin on Air Force One, just like the tin-horn dictators that you try to emulate. And make this country really great by taking Moscow Mitch & Ghouliani with you.

Timothy J. Roth

I just hope if the name goes so does the property. I hope their is a way Mr Trump can take the property back. And maybe donate it to a private citizen. It’s about time someone is doing something about China and Japan .I don’t trust them as far as I can throw them. Their citerzans fight for what change they want not run away to another country. This country can not support the word we HAVE to know WHO and HOW MANY PEOPLE are here it is a matter of survival. Other wise it puts a strain ON EVERYTHING including the AMERICAN PEOPLE


How about all the people who believe Donald Trump is doing a great job. Two pinhead democrats…etc.

Timothy J. Roth

It’s disgusting the way that park looks and they blame it on cut backs. It was a choice to leave that park in that condition and it is absolutely disgusting. This is our government HARD at work for the people. What this is sheer HATRED.

Timothy J. Roth

How dare they rename the park it was expected when Mr. Trump donated the land it should stay with the Trump name. Whether you like him or not. Just like the little weasel Cuomo naming the Tappen Zee after his father. I see confict of interest. And the way he went about it should be a crime. To throw the history behind it away Cuomo is a SNAKE. It will always be the Tapen Zee bridge to me and a lot of other people to.

Ali abdalkwy

It’s not about Donald Trump Himself But to be fair The man buy. The land then he donated to the Public We should thank him not to remove his name Because I don’t understand you remove his name and you want someone else name is that will maintenance the. land better That mean the name is only the problem


Of course, his name should come off. He doesn’t deserve such an honor …
after his call to the Ukraine, he should be impeached.


So happy to see this happening. I pass the unsung, unkempt, unloved disgrace to our parks service all the time on my way to campsites further north on the Taconic. Looking forward to its revitalization.


Think of partisan politics!
Two Dems (not even from the area) going after a NAME, maybe they should look into the GIFTING AGREEMENT, naming rights must be part of it, You remove the name…. You loose the Gift!
Think things through first you Dim… or Dems….


Should keep it named Donald Trump state park because it looks like absolute trash and is useless, just like Donald Trump. And also, like everything he touches, it has been laid to waste.


The parking lot photo looks worn out just like the real Trump. Would be nice seeing his name removed forever. What a discrace he turned out to be as president. Too many scandals, lies and his own selected staff removals. It’s just odd and I don’t think we are moving forward with him.

stan chaz

You are so right. Corrupt con-man Trump said he wanted to drain the swanp. It turned out that he IS the swamp. His administration filled with billionaires who work for their own interests and not the country, just like Trump.

Jim Jones

As much as I dislike our current president, he did donate the land for the park, so I don’t think you have any right to rename it. Don’t you people have anything better to do? No wonder our government is so screwed up.

Michael Baughn

It sounds like you know nothing of multi tasking.
Most people can handing many tasks at once.
When you have a cockroach problem do you so paying your bills?

Well, this IS a cockroach problem.

jamie fishman

Except there is no park. The terms of the donation were that the State would cover all expenses and it had to have his name prominently displayed at the “park” entrance. The signs on the Taconic are misleading because they don’t lead you to a “park”. He save a whole lot more in taxes with the donation so he’s done pretty well already.


It’s public land – there is no longer any private right to name it – that’s the point. It belongs to the public.

Frank Garguilo

Trump derangement syndrome. Sick people with no important message to improve the lives of New Yorkers because they waste their time on nonsense like this ?


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